Sunday, August 2, 2009

Buddy Rogers

"Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers , born Herman G. Rohde, Jr., (February 20, 1921 – June 26, 1992) was an American professional wrestler and one of the biggest wrestling stars in the beginning of the television era. His performances inspired generations of professional wrestlers, such as "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who used Buddy Rogers' nickname, as well as his look, his attitude, and his finishing hold, the figure four leglock. He was the first professional wrestler, and one of only two ever, to hold the WWE Championship and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair is the other.

Early career (1940s–1950s)

The son of German immigrant parents, Rogers was a New Jersey police officer before being discovered by a local promoter and soon became a top wrestler using his real name around his hometown where he gained his first major win over Ed "Strangler" Lewis.

He continued his career in Houston, where he assumed the name "Buddy Rogers". Rogers would get his first major taste of gold during his tenure there, winning the Texas Heavyweight title four times, once from the great Lou Thesz, beginning a long feud both in and out of the ring. After leaving the Texas territory for Columbus, Ohio, the final pieces of his character were added. He bleached his hair and was given the moniker "Nature Boy" by promoter Jack Pfefer.[1] In the early 1950s, Lillian Ellison (under the moniker Slave Girl Moolah worked as his valet.[2] Ellison claims that the partnership ended after Rogers pushed for a sexual relationship, which Ellison refused.[2]

With the advent of television, Rogers' flashy look, great physique and bombastic personality instantly caught the ire of audiences. The first sign of Rogers' impact was his involvement in Sam Muchnick's opposition promotion in St. Louis, Missouri, a major wrestling market at the time. He was pitted against the well respected Lou Thesz as a draw. In the end, Muchnick's promotion was powerful enough with Buddy Rogers as its main star that the two promotions merged. Rogers continued control of the Midwest as a booker and wrestler, most notably in Chicago, frequently selling out the 11,000-seat arena. In the 1950s, Rogers expanded into Vince McMahon, Sr.'s Capitol Wrestling Corporation.

[edit] National Wrestling Alliance (1960–1963)

In 1961, the National Wrestling Alliance voted him NWA World Heavyweight Champion. On June 30, 1961, Pat O'Connor dropped the title to Rogers in front of 38,622 fans at Comiskey Park, a North American professional wrestling attendance record that lasted until the David Von Erich Memorial Parade of Champions in 1984.[3] The ticket sells of $148,000 was a professional wrestling record for almost 20 years.[3] The match, a two out of three falls match, was billed as the "Match of the Century".[3] During the match, both men had gained a pinfall, when O'Connor missed a dropkick, hit his head, and Rogers pinned him to win the match.[3]

To many promoters, it seemed that Buddy Rogers favored northeastern promoters over other territories. Promoters and noted shooters Karl Gotch and Bill Miller confronted Rogers in Columbus and broke his hand. Another injury in Montreal in a match against Killer Kowalski kept Rogers on the sidelines. On his return, the heads of the NWA voted to switch the title back over to Lou Thesz, who made it public that he did not like Buddy Rogers. On January 24, 1963, the match took place in Toronto. Rogers was hesitant about dropping the title, so promoter Sam Muchnick put in place two safeguards to guarantee Rogers' cooperation. First, the match was only one fall, out of the ordinary since most title matches were two out of three falls until the mid-seventies. The second safeguard was his threat to give Rogers' bond (the NWA Champion was required to pay a $25,000 deposit the the NWA Board of Directors before being given the title; the deposit was returned to the wrestler after losing the title) away to charity. Thesz won the match and the title.

Rogers was also co-holder of the U.S. Tag Team Championship, with frequent tag partner Handsome Johnny Barend. They won the belts in 1962 on Washington, D.C. television from Johnny Valentine and Arnold Skaaland (Skaaland subbing for the missing Ellis, but the belts were still up). Rogers and Barend defeated Valentine & Ellis in a title rematch at Madison Square Garden, and went on to defend the belts until Spring, 1963, when they lost the titles on Washington,DC television to Killer Buddy Austin & The Great Scott (even though one of the falls was on a disqualification and they technically should not have passed). Rogers and Barend split briefly and feuded, but reunited in Summer 1963 to defeat Bruno Sammartino & Bobo Brazil in Madison Square Garden 2 falls to 1.

During the brief Rogers-Barend feud, Rogers teamed up regularly with a masked wrestler, The Shadow (veteran wrestler Clyde Steeves). Prior to the title reign with Barend, he was frequently a tag partner with Bob Orton, grandfather of Randy Orton.

World Wide Wrestling Federation (1963)

Northeast promoters, led by McMahon and Toots Mondt, withdrew their membership from the NWA and formed the World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF), as Thesz was not a strong draw in the area. Rogers was awarded the WWWF World Title as its first holder in April 1963. One story spread over the years is that instead of announcing to the public that Rogers was given the title as their inaugural champion, the WWWF created a fictitious storyline explaining how Rogers earned that very championship: by winning a one-night elimination tournament in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, defeating Antonino Rocca in the finals. In reality, WWWF figurehead President, and promoter, Willie Gilzenberg, went on Washington, D.C. television; noted that a match had been held in Canada that was not for the title; and he returned the belt to Rogers (which was actually the WWWF World title). Rogers' reign was cut short by, what he claimed to be, a mild heart attack that greatly hindered his endurance. He quickly dropped the title to Bruno Sammartino on May 17 of that year, in a match that lasted a mere 48 seconds. Legend says that Mondt dragged Rogers out of his hospital bed and forced him into the match, but it was obvious that Rogers could not take the burden of a world championship in his condition. Sammartino stated in interviews that Rogers was lazy—not wanting to go past 10-15 minute matches and the heart attack story was a ruse for Rogers to save face. Another story has it that the promoters of the match decided that the "better" wrestler should be the winner rather than designating a winner in advance. Rogers, who knew that he had no chance against the much better Sammartino just gave the match away. By the end of the year, he was retired and only wrestled an occasional show for The Sheik's promotion in Detroit and Montreal.

[edit] Jim Crockett Promotions and WWF (1978–1992)

In 1978, Rogers returned to wrestling as a babyface in Florida although he was in his late 50s. He later moved up to Jim Crockett Promotions in the Carolinas as a heel manager managing wrestlers like Jimmy Snuka, Ken Patera, Gene Anderson, and Big John Studd. His most notable moment during his run in the Carolinas was his feud with the new "Nature Boy", Ric Flair before Rogers put over the younger Nature Boy on July 9, 1978. After his time in Mid-Atlantic, he moved back into WWF where he was a babyface manager and part-time wrestler who also hosted the interview segment "Rogers' Corner." During a feud teaming with his old protégé Jimmy Snuka against Lou Albano and Ray Stevens, Rogers broke his hip and retired from wrestling for good.

[edit] End of career and death

He was set to wrestle yet another "Nature Boy", this time Buddy Landel, in a comeback match for the Tri-State Wrestling Alliance (a predecessor of ECW) in early 1992, but the promotion went out of business and the match never occurred. Later in the year, Rogers was weakened by a severe broken arm and suffered three strokes, two on the same day. He was put on life support and died a short time afterward on June 26, 1992.

[edit] Legacy, style, and criticism

Rogers was not well liked during his prime years because he had a habit of taking advantage of opponents in the ring. During his prime years, he was known as much for his distinctive peacock-like strut (which is believed to be the inspiration for Vince McMahon's "power walk")[4] as for his wrestling performance. He was also very skilled at drawing heat during interviews, with a smug "to a nicer guy, it couldn't have happened" being his catch phrase of sorts whenever he was victorious. With age, he mellowed and became a very respected veteran. Rogers was considered the first total package wrestler. He had all the looks, physique, personality, and ability promoters wanted. He is often attributed with developing the psychology that several heels went on to use with great success, and with inventing the "Figure Four Grapevine" (later renamed the Figure-Four Leglock).

According to his pro wrestling colleague and occasional ring opponent Lou Thesz (as stated in Thesz's autobiography Hooker), Rogers, although admittedly an excellent wrestler and a superb showman, was a manipulative schemer behind the scenes and was fond of saying in private: "Use your friends, and be good to your enemies; so they'll become your friends, and you can use them too."

Rogers had one of the longest consistent top drawing periods of any main-eventer—15 years—and the ability to draw in several different territories successfully. In 1994, he was posthumously inducted into the World Wrestling Federation Hall of Fame.

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